Vocational Curriculum

We are very lucky at GRK to be situated on a farm with plenty of outdoor space which we use to it's full potential in delivering the more physical side of our curriculum. Working outside in the natural environment offers a therapeutic release from the everyday classroom, giving pupils fresh air, a chance to reflect and work hard on the sessions that are being delivered. It builds not only subject knowledge but also self-esteem.
BTEC Land Based Studies
At GRK we deliver this qualification across four subject areas - Small Animal Care, Equine, Horticulture and Tractors. Pupils work through the Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory in Land-based Studies and are able to progress through an Award or Certificate onto a Diploma. The qualification is not designed to lead directly to employment but will maximise opportunities for pupils to progress by focusing on the development of transferable and sector-related skills.
Small Animal Care

We are lucky enough to have a variety of different species of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects for pupils to care for. Within these lessons pupils learn how to care for and feed our animals as well as maintain their health and understand animal behaviour.

Different from small animal care because these lessons focus purely on the horses we have at GRK. Pupils will learn what it takes to care for our horses, understand their behaviour, their evolution, how to keep them healthy and what their dietary needs are. In the summer term we make every effort to give pupils the chance to go horse riding too.
The outdoor space that we have available is vast and has enabled us to develop allotment and polytunnel areas. Pupils have the opportunity to learn what it takes to grow plants, fruits and vegetables and how to keep them healthy. This lesson also exploits the cross curricular links between where food comes from and how we use it; produce that we harvest on the farm is often used in school lunches and as ingredients in food and cookery lessons.

Tractors: Once pupils are old enough they have the opportunity to learn how to drive a tractor and earn a LANTRA qualification. This is such an exciting experience for all of our pupils as this is often the first vehicle they learn to drive.
BTEC Construction
We deliver this qualification during our Trade lessons within our purpose built barn. During these lessons pupils are introduced to many of the construction sectors including; plumbing, carpentry, painting and decorating, design, maintenance and repairs. Similarly, to the Land-based studies BTEC, pupils work through the Pearson BTEC Level 1 Introductory in Construction and are able to progress through an Award or Certificate onto a Diploma. The qualification is not designed to lead directly to employment but will maximise opportunities for pupils to progress by focusing on the development of transferable and sector-related skills.

Food and Cookery
Food and Cookery aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Our curriculum encourages students to cook, enabling them to make informed decisions about a wide range of further learning opportunities and career pathways. Food and cookery lessons also develop vital life skills that enable them to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.
During Bushcraft pupils have the opportunity to really explore the great outdoors. Pupils learn how to make fire using flint and steel, and then how to use the fire to cook for themselves. The weatherproof GRK camp provides permanent shelter, where pupils learn the skills required to survive outdoors drawing inspiration from different time periods and how humans sustained themselves.

Art classes enable pupils to explore their creativity, find confidence in their work and build resilience. We spend time exploring different ways to create art as well as looking into famous artists and their work. Pupils get to work towards an Arts Award qualification, allowing them a chance to gain accredited certificates in this area
"Leaders and trustees have designed a very well-structured curriculum. Subjects such as land studies and equine studies, combined with a wide range of trips and visits, capture pupils’ interest and motivate them to learn." - Ofsted