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Skilled For Life

As part of our curriculum here at The Green Room, we offer a Skilled For Life qualification which enables us to design and deliver programmes intended to prepare learners for work, based on their individual needs, interests and ambitions. Here are a few examples of the units we have going on at the moment

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Survival In The Wild

As part of the Survival In The Wild unit, our students have been building their own shelters from artificial leaves and wooden rods (photo above) and testing them against the elements in miniature version. They used a hairdryer for wind and pumped water over the shelters for rain, and evaluated how successful their designs were in protecting the lego man inside. They also watched videos on surviving in the wild to learn how to find water and establish what could be used as food in desperate circumstances. We then tested this by serving up a bowl of delicious dried mealworms and bugs and challenged the students to try them. Most of them were brave enough to give it a go, which was most impressive!

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Cooking Cakes and Buns

We have been experimenting with different recipes, testing the ingredients and quantities, we even made coca cola cakes!

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Stage Sounds And Lights

The movie industry uses many weird and wonderful sounds to create scenes so we have been testing a few of these out – did you know dried pasta crunching in the mouth sounds very convincing as bones breaking? We also used boxing gloves to recreate thunder and pill packets as cracking ice.

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Writing A Children’s Book We began by discussing what makes an appropriate children’s book, compared to what would be inappropriate, and defined what was acceptable. Next we planned out the stories and designed the front covers. We plan to eventually write the stories using a Book Smart programme and have the books made, then visit schools next term to read them to the children.

Other units include The Business of Show Business, Physics and the Universe, Hospitality and Catering and Auto CAD

Click here to see more photos

@EverydayArtsUK is a #youthcharity that inspires kids to discover their brilliance through a unique learning programme of theatre, dance, film and #alternativeeducation. @DerrenBrown is our patron. We pride ourselves in our #GreenRoomProject, which is set up for #SchoolRefusers and children with #statements of special educational needs #SENs.

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