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Lightbox Gallery and Chimney Farm

At the end of last half term The Green Room pupils went to The Lightbox Art Gallery in Woking to see an exhibition called 'The Story of British Comics So Far: Cor! By Gum! Zarjaz', which was an interactive journey through the past present and future of comics, how they are made and where they came from. Art work ranged from 3000 year old hieroglyphics, to the first comic magazine in 1825 to today's graphic novels and digital comics.

The pupils did this to record content to make a short review film for their Arts Award and have each created an iMovie about their experience of seeing a live Arts event.

From there they went on to our new site, Chimney Farm to have a look around, some pupils went to visit the dog sanctuary, some went fishing in the lake and others swam in the pool and generally had a great time!

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