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OUTSTANDING ++ The Green Room Scores A Hat-Trick!

After two weeks of back to back Ofsted inspections, we are delighted to announce that the results are now in, and GRK (Green Room Kingsley), GRW (Green Room Windsor) and GR6 (Green Room Sixth Form) have all been judged as OUTSTANDING!!

It was a pleasure to host the inspectors, they left no stone unturned to gain a deep understanding of our three provisions. Each school is very different in its environment, curriculum and objectives, but the inspectors recognised the common purpose that drives all three. With "inspirational leadership", "ambitious vision", "outstanding teaching" and "happy pupils", The Green Room Schools "successfully transform pupils lives for the future".

At GRK "The school's work to promote pupils' personal development and welfare is outstanding. Pupils love their school. They are keen to get started in the morning and are reluctant to leave at the end of the day."

At GRW " Pupils are very appreciative of staff and the care they receive. A number of pupils who have experienced a very troubled past, say that the school has saved their lives."

At GR6 "Students benefit from outstanding teaching, learning and assessment, enabling them to express themselves, challenge their own beliefs and think deeply. Consequently, students make excellent progress, including in academic qualifications."

We are absolutely delighted to get this recognition from such experienced and knowledgable inspection teams. Full reports can be read here: GRK Report and GRW&GR6 Report

We would sincerely like to thank all members of The Green Room family, including our staff, governance, supporters, parents and especially our pupils for their support on our journey; we are looking forward to many exciting and successful years of education to come.

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