Reason for a party you say?
With the final Ofsted report proving GRK as “OUTSTANDING” the usual school day called for a good old fashioned party for pupils, parents, staff and friends all invited. There was no conga line, however we were inundated with cakes, delightful fresh fruit, food and drink for a well deserved Friday afternoon of a busy school week.
In the words of Mark Daly, LSA at GRK.....
One can be familiar with scrutiny and can reason with appraisal but when given less than a day to prepare for the superintendence of an OFSTED inspection, any education facility can appear like a congested juncture of uncertainty with a great big scarecrow out in the middle of it. For staff and pupils to be profiled by this upper hand and show resilience and strength is a form of mastery seen by few and as OFSTED departed the scarecrow was left outstanding in its field…..
Pre-OFSTED, the air at GRK was fresh and even now after such vigorous inquest and profound observation it remains outstandingly fresh.